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Club Penguin has started putting Christmas decorations around town to get ready for this upcoming Christmas Party 2008!



Also, don’t forget about my 350,000 hits party this Friday! Be sure to come! 😀

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎


The new newspaper is out and if you want to view it without logging in, click here.

Here are the Upcoming Events for December:

December 5th: A new Penguin Style Catalog comes out.


December 12th-January 9th: A new play comes out. “Quest for the Golden Puffle” comes back to the Stage.



The new pin is out and it is a Snowflake Tile. You can find it at the Beach.


In the Newspaper, the Sensei speaks about the Dojo and how it was made. Here is the interview:


Question – Did you build the Dojo?
Answer – Many years ago, when I was young and alone, I built the Dojo.

Question – Where have you been since then?
Answer – I was wandering around the wilderness, learning and seeking wisdom.

Question – Do you always speak in Haiku form?
Answer – No.

Question – Have many penguins defeated you?
Answer – You ask me who has beaten me? Only black belts have. I love Card Jitsu. I’ll play with anyone…but only masters win.

Question – Can you tell us anything about the perks of being a ninja?
Answer – All ninjas can go in secret hideout. And some maybe…disappear.

Question – Are you saying ninjas can turn invisible?
Answer – Heh heh heh maybe – there are ninja already in this room, maybe?

Question – Is there anything else you’d like to say?
Answer – Yes. Come and visit me in the Dojo. Bring friends. And play Card-Jitsu.

That’s all for now!

See Ya!

-VIetpride28 😎

Hey guys,

Now that the new Snow & Sports Catalog is out, here are the cheats!


On pages 11 and 12, click on the red surfboard, then the sea shell, and finally the sea star for the silver surfboard. This is an old cheat by the way.


On page 15, click on the letter “N” in the word “furniture” for the Pommel Horse.


That’s pretty much it for this catalog. There are not many cheats in it.

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎

Hey guys,

The new play is out and it’s called “Fairy Fables”. Here’s how the play looks like on Stage:

ff2(Click to enlarge if needed)

Here are the new outfits in the Costume Trunk:






There is a new background for nonmembers in the catalog as well. Here it is:


See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎


I have news that is happening in Club Penguin RIGHT NOW! The Dojo has turned into a CONSTRUCTION SITE and there is no explainable reason why! Could this be proof of Ninjas coming to Club Penguin?

The Dojo is now a Construction Site:

ninja06(Click to enlarge if needed)

But there are some good news. You can get a free mining hat in the Dojo to help out with the construction.


You can go up the stairs to go outside of the Dojo. That’s where the construction will start.

ninja4(Click to enlarge if needed)

When you get outside of the Dojo, there is possibly a Ninja digging below the “Dig Out The Dojo” sign. If you click on him, his player card will pop up but his name is unknown!



Also, did you notice that there are more penguins named Penguin23123 or Penguin(anyothernumber) now??? If you check your buddy’s list or look around Club Penguin, you’ll notice it! Could this be another glitch, or is this a warning that Ninjas are coming? For example, my penguin Bright17 is now Penguin43875893!


Almost all my buddies have the word Penguin in them and it used to be something else!


Look around Club Penguin and you’ll notice this!

scaryname(Click to enlarge if needed)

These are the most unexpected and frightening things that have happened in CP so far!

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎