The ultimate help you need for Club Penguin Cheats, Hacks, Glitches, Money Makers, and Codes.

Category Archives: Sights


I am so sorry I have not been on my site for a week you guys! I have been so busy with school and work and everything and thank you so much Redbluemast for posting about the Halloween Party on CP. I really appreciate it! Also, there will be a 300,000 hits party soon! Check at the end of this post to see the information.

Candy Hunt Cheats:

First of all, to start hunting for candy, you can click the Pumpkin at the top right corner next by the Moderator Sign.

You can see how many treats you’ve found by clicking on that.

(Click to enlarge if needed)

1. For the first treat, go to the Snow Forts. There should be a BLUE flag on a fort. Click on the BLUE flag and you should have your first treat!

2. For the second treat, go to the Dance Lounge and click on the lamp.

3. For the third treat, go to the Lodge Attic and click on the box next by the 3 Candles.

4. For the fourth treat, go to the Plaza and click on the bubbling pot of green stuff to receive it.

5. For the fifth treat, go to the Cove and click on the “Warning Sign” located in the water. A treat should then shoot up and land onto the rooftop.

6. For the sixth treat, go to the Iceberg and click on the stars. It should then form a box constellation and then your treat will appear! 🙂

7. For the seventh treat, go to the Light House. There will be thunder there and flashes. Wait for 3 FLASHES of thunder and you will see the seventh treat on the Jack-O-Lantern’s left eye.

(Click to enlarge if needed)

8. For the last and final treat, go to the Book Room. There should be a book on top of the book shelf with a Green and Yellow treat inside it. Put your mouse on the book and it should open up and you treat will be there! 😀

After you have found all 8 treats, you can claim your prize which is a free Halloween Background.

(Click to enlarge if needed)

Here’s how the Halloween Background looks like:

To get to the Secret Lab, you must have a Scientist Costume to enter the room. Here’s how:

1. Click on the candle with the green flames to open up the entrance.

2. Go in the entrance to get into the Secret Lab.

There are rumors that Gary could come visit you in the Secret Lab but I’m not so sure.

(Click to enlarge if needed)

Anyways, there is a “Monster Maker 3000” in the Secret Lab. You can click on the switch that is on the wall to activate it.

There are also FREE Lanterns located in the Secret Lab. They are at the lower left section in the room.

Happy Halloween everyone and I hope you enjoy it! 😀

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎

In other news:

Here is the information about my 300,000 hits party! 😀

(Click to enlarge if needed)

Good Morning!

The new newspaper is out so I’ll start you guys out with the upcoming events:

Also, Rockhopper should be here this Friday, August 8th, 2008. That’s tomorrow! I can’t wait to see what he bought with him this time!

You can hear what the “Critics” are saying about the Music Jam 08 now. Leave your cursor on their mouths and a speech bubble will come out, showing what they’ve said.

The new play, “Team Blue Needs You” should be coming out this Friday, August 8th, 2008. It’s a sequel to “Team Blue’s Rally Debut”, which was at the Stage in February.

There are great news! The Penguin Games, which is sort of like the Olympics, will begin on August 22-August 26th, 2008! A new Sporting Catalog will be out by August 15th, 2008 so you can buy the new outfits to work out and train for the Penguin Games!

Rory and “Rookie” will be talking about the Penguin Games in the newspaper every Thursday, giving us the info on it.

But there are also not-so-good news. Rory the construction penguin has lost the Original Sketches of the Migrator (Rockhopper’s Ship) when he was folding them into Paper Boats and seeing if they could float. Unfortunately, he got carried away and lost them all. On August 8th, 2008, Club Penguin will have a search party for the Paper Boats. I think you could get some kind of award if you do find them all.

(You can click on the image to view the story.)

And that’s it for the new newspaper!

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎


I heard that Rockhopper will arrive very soon! You can see him through the Telescope at the Light House:

Also, remember that play “Team Blue’s Rally Debut at the Stage” in February? Well, there’s going to be a sequel to it called “Team Blue 2” this Friday! Here’s what the Stage for that play looked back in February:

(Click to enlarge if needed)

For more information on Rockhopper and the upcoming “Team Blue 2” play, click the title below:

Rockhopper & The Stage!

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎

Hey Guys!

I just saw The Penguin Band just now! They are at Frostbite! Hurry before they go away!

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See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎

Good morning!

The Penguin Band is on break again I a lot of rumors say that they will be in Frozen at 12:15 p.m. PST Backstage! Be sure to wait for them there! 😉

Backstage in Frozen:

(Click to enlarge if needed)

Also, the new newspaper is out, so here are the upcoming events:

Also, there’s good news! The Music Jam 2008 will continue through August 5th, 2008!

“Team Blue Needs You A Sequel” will be at the Stage on August 8th, 2008! It used to be at the Ice Rink but now it’s at the Stage!

(Click to enlarge if needed)

There is a new Word Puzzle called Gary’s Inventions. I strongly advise you to use it only if you need any help. Here’s the cheat for it:

(Click to enlarge if needed)

Be sure to keep looking for the Penguin Band!

See Ya!

-Vietpride28 😎