Hey guys,

The new newspaper just came out today!
Click here to see it!
newspaper-news.jpgAunt Artic is gonna be an editor! She was like literally “asked” to be one!

newspaper-news-events.jpg Here are all the events that are going to happen later this month.

newspaper-news-pin.jpg The new pin is coming out next Friday, April 11th, 2008.

newspaper-news2.jpgThe Migrator is ALMOST finished it’s looking pretty good so far people!

newspaper-news3.jpg Now we have to go get Rockhopper and we’ll be done! 😀

newspaper-news4.jpgRockhopper’s stuff and records are also found. He didn’t lose EVERYTHING!

newspaper-news5.jpg There’s gonna be a new play soon coming up! It looks like pirates to me. Interesting…

newspaper-news6.jpg The new play will be launched on April 11, which is NEXT Friday. 😀

newspaper-news7.jpg There’s this new cool crossword puzzle in the newspaper. You don’t get anything when you win which sucks but it’s still pretty cool.

newspaper-news8.jpg This is what pops up when you’re done with the crossword puzzle. I was expecting some coins at least! 😦

The Migrator’s open now and you could go on!

All they need to do now to the Migrator is put the inside of it IN!

See ya!
